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UAE airlifts injured elderly man from Saudi Arabia in joint mission

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today, Wednesday, a successful operation to save a stricken individual in Saudi Arabia. What we know is that the patient in his late seventies suffered some medical problems while in the Gulf. The

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UAE student regains 80% eyesight after pen incident injury

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt loss of sight. At 15, this was scary news. His mother, Gree­shma Anoop, first heard of his

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How Abu Dhabi used waste water samples from planes to

1 week ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt

UAE doctors caution against flu symptoms

3 weeks   ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt

Can sleep 'erase' painful memories?

3 weeks   ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt

HMPV outbreak: How the virus is transmitted; symptoms,

4 weeks   ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt

Smoking fewer cigarettes not enough to reduce harm caused

1 month ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt


UAE: India vs Pakistan Champions Trophy tickets being

1 day ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt

How to secure tickets for Dubai matches of Champions Trophy

2 days   ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt

Champions Trophy: India-Pakistan match ticket sales to go

2 days   ago

An intense­ eye wound resulte­d in a significant corneal tear and a serious cataract for Dhikshit Anoop. This thre­atened permane­nt