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Flu cases surge in UAE; doctors recommend vaccination amid weather changes


Hospitals chiefly cite cases of patients presenting with fever, malaise, and respiratory complaints.

Because of deteriorating weather conditions, lower temperatures, and many inhabitants returning from summer holidays, there have been increasing cases of sickness among UAE residents, according to doctors.

Hospitals are mostly cataloging the cases of persons who fall sick with acute fever, extreme tiredness and cough.

Karim Sheikh, aged 34, a Dubai-based outdoor sales manager came down with flu almost immediately after returning DOM from India. “It hit me suddenly after I returned from vacation,” said Sheikh. “I thought it was just travel fatigue, but I got a high fever and body aches the next day and haven't returned to work in four days since I couldn't get back to my usual mode.”

In much the same way, there is the account of Maria Lopez, a marketing executive in a supermarket chain aged 28 years, of a similar situation. “I had gone on leave for some days because my cousins and friends were visiting Dubai. I went back to work, and two days later I became unwell,” recalled Lopez. “I had such a nasty cough and body ache that I could not even get out of bed. I have not been to the office for the past two days because I am unwell and the doctor has ordered that it is best that I do not return to work until I am completely better.”

Rising flu cases

Medical Consultant Nishi Singh, who specializes in viruses and is also an Associate Professor for Virology and Infectious Diseases, elaborated that this is the flu season. “This season of the year is when the weather begins to change and becomes colder, humidity increases, and most of the people come back from other countries. Such circumstances are favorable for respiratory viruses,’ remarked Dr Singh.

According to the healthcare experts the temperatures drop and moving citizens bring back new flues which these people do not have. ”The flu will last approximately between five to seven days and most patients will have symptoms like mild fever, body pains, headaches, runny nose,’ said Dr Singh. “But, if there is headache or fever for four days, or any symptom is getting worse such as pain in the chest, increasing coughing, or even changes in nervous system, then it is time to go to the doctor.”

Importance of vaccination

Vaccinating against flu helps to both curtail the further infection of the illness and its associated problems....Dr Jaya Geetha, internal medicine professional at Zulekha Hospital notes that the flu vaccine is especially beneficial to high risk groups like the young, the old and patients with weak immune systems. “Even if you haven't taken the vaccine before the flu season starts, it's still effective if administered during the season."

Every year, the flu deadly viruses; Influenza A & B are sporadic on the populations they are being vaccinated against. Their remarkable ability to quickly mutate gives the vaccine makers no respite.

No vaccines have been claimed to achieve full protection therefore doctors also recommend in addition to vaccination, basic hygiene practices such as keeping away from other individuals whenever one is sick and proper washing of hands in addition to proper sanitation. “Respiratory droplets containing the flu virus can be expelled while coughing or sneezing and viruses from infected hands can also cause illness. Hand care is very necessary,” dr Singh would go on to say.

When to seek medical help

For the people who will catch the flu, physicians recommend rest, many fluids, and nonprescription medicines to alleviate the symptoms. “In non-complex cases of flu, self-treatment through the use of OTCs is satisfactory when combined with self-home care therapies,” said Dr Singh. “However, for higher-risk groups, antiviral therapy using Oseltamivir for instance aids in control of symptoms and reduces the viral shedding when employed early on during the illness.”

Health care practitioners have emphasized. Even though it appears that almost all the cases can be managed from home, the need to seek help should be established. “In such cases where the patient, especially one in a high-risk group, is experiencing a worsening condition after some time where there are now symptoms such as persistent high fever, pain or discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath and uncharacteristically severe tiredness, it is time to seek help from healthcare services,” said Dr Geetha.

Even the families who take care of such sick individuals must also take notes in managing the patients during the influenza period. “Keeping the sick person in one room with restrictions on seating with everybody, providing a window to the room to be kept open, cleaning all the areas that are touched by more than one person in a day are among the things that should be done,” added Dr Geetha.

Rising cases linked to return of residents

The return of more UAE residents from vacations has shown an increase in flu cases in the country. “As so many people come back from different parts of the world, there is bound to be an exchange ford new flu variations and the constant throng of people only speeds up the spread,” said Dr Geetha.

For the rest of us who have not fallen ill, the doctors have been advising order their heads and assume a very proactive approach. “This is the ideal moment to be given the injection if you are one of those who have not yet received it,” said Dr Singh. “The flu bug is quite the menace in terms of spreading from one individual to another but it can be controlled well through good management, treatment and preventive measures.”

Protect yourself as flu cases surge in the UAE! Doctors recommend getting vaccinated to stay healthy during weather changes. To get the latets news subscribe to Just Dubai! 

By: admin
